Friday, October 8, 2010

The First Adjustment

Part III on Mallory's story with braces is below. Hope you enjoy!

My first time back in the dental chair after braces was a little intimidating. I was nervous about what it would feel like to have my wires changed and I definitely was nervous about being sore again. Whenever I sat down, we looked at my pictures from before I got my braces on then took a look in the mirror to see how my teeth look now. What a big change from where I started!! Julie took my wires out and then let me go brush and floss. It felt really good to be able to floss and brush without the wires in. I sat down again and Julie clipped the wires to make sure they would not poke me. She then inserted them and clipped them again to make sure I was as comfortable as possible. After she got the new wires in, she recommended that I take ibuprofen again to keep the soreness to a minimum. I also got a power chain put on my braces. This is used to close the small spaces in between my teeth. When I got home that evening, I was a little sore from the adjustment but made sure to eat soft foods and keep taking the ibuprofen. The next day was not bad at all! I was back to eating normal foods and felt just fine!

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