Friday, October 1, 2010

The First Week With Braces

Check out Part II of Mallory's story with braces below:

I was not sore whenever they first put the braces on. I started taking ibuprofen like Dr. Phillips recommended when I left the office so I was not too sore later on. It was a little hard to eat because my teeth were a little tender. I kept taking the ibuprofen as the directions said on the bottle, every 6 hours with a meal. I ate pasta for dinner and some ice cream for dessert! The cold ice cream made my mouth feel really good. The next day, I was still adjusting to the braces and they still felt a little funny. I ate softer foods for the next 3 days. It was easy to eat things like soup, pasta, potatoes, french fries, jello, and my favorite, ice cream! I was extra careful not to chew anything in a way that might knock one of my braces off. I made sure to brush 3 times a day to keep my teeth really clean. When I brush, I get really close to the mirror and inspect my teeth to make sure that they look clean and that there is no food or anything stuck under the wire or in between the brackets. After the 4th day with braces, I hardly even noticed they were there anymore. I am still very careful with what I eat and it paid off! I haven’t lost one bracket!

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